License Agreement for Yandex.Taxi Program for Mobile Devices
This document is a translation of License Agreement for the Use of the Yandex.Taxi Program for Mobile Devices in English. In case of conflict between the Russian version of License Agreement for the Use of Yandex.Taxi Program for Mobile Devices and this translation - only the Russian version of License Agreement is legally binding. The Russian version of License Agreement for the Yandex.Taxi Program for Mobile Devices can be found here:
Before using the program, please read the following terms and conditions of the License Agreement. Any use of the program means full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this License Agreement. If you do not accept the License Agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter – the License) establishes conditions for the use of Yandex.Taxi application for mobile devices (hereinafter - the Program) and it is entered by and between any person who uses the Program (hereinafter – the User) and Yandex.Taxi, LLC - the holder of exclusive rights to the Program (hereinafter – the Right Holder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on your mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional agreement with all terms of the License.
1.3. Use of the Program shall be permitted only under terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the License in full, they may not use the Program for any purpose. Using the Program in violation (without fulfillment) of any of the terms of this License is prohibited.
1.4. Use of the Program by the User on terms of this License for personal non-commercial purposes shall be free of charge. Use of the Program on terms and in ways not covered by this License shall be only possible on the basis of a separate agreement with the Right Holder.
1.5. Using the Program, you agree that the integral part of this Program License is the following document:
Yandex.Taxi Terms of Use located at
as well as documents of Yandex, LLC (BIN: 1027700229193), the terms of which fully cover the use of the Program:
Yandex Services User Agreement posted on the Internet at;
Yandex Search Engine Use License posted on the Internet at;
Privacy Policy posted on the Internet at;
The above documents (including any part thereof) may be amended by the Right Holder without any prior notice, and new versions of documents shall take effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise provided by the version itself.
1.6. Right Holder may provide Users with the translation of this License from Russian into other languages, but in the event of a conflict between the terms of the License in Russian and its translation, legally binding shall be the Russian-language version of the License only.
2. Rights to Program
2.1. The exclusive rights to the Program shall be owned by the Right Holder.
3. License
3.1. The Right Holder shall provide Users free of charge and under a simple (non-exclusive) license with non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. Use the Program as intended in order to copy and install (play) it on a mobile device (s) of the Users. The User shall have the right to install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices.
3.1.2. Reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (and distributed) under the name: Yandex.Taxi. The User may not modify and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright mark (copyright notice) or other indications on the Right Holder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except for use as expressly provided under this License or legislation of the Russian Federation, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform other actions with the object code and source code of the Program aimed at obtaining information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative work using the Program, as well as otherwise use (authorize using) the Program, all components of the Program, maps stored by the Program in the User's mobile devices, and other images and data without written permission of the Right Holder.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (including for a fee), including as part of software product collections without a written permission of the Right Holder.
4.3. The User may not distribute the Program in a manner different from that in which they received it, without a written permission of the Right Holder.
5. Special Conditions
5.1. Some of the functions of the Program may be performed only with the access to the Internet. The User shall receive and pay for such access under conditions and at rates of their telecommunication or Internet access provider.
5.2. The Program allows the User to place information on the potential User's demand for services for passengers and luggage transportation, as well as receive information on the proposals of companies providing services in this area, and to search for such proposals according to user-defined parameters.
5.3. The information available to User of the Program (hereinafter - the Data) will be provided by partners of the Right Holder. For more information on the services provided (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the taxi, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the taxi by the Right Holder's partners or other information) the User can refer to the Right Holder's partners or using the Program functionality provide their contact details, using which the Right Holder's partners will be able to contact the User and provide them with information on services offered.
5.4. The Right Holder shall not be liable for the contents and/or relevance of the information provided by partners, including information on the cost of partners' services, and their availability at the moment.
5.5. Interaction of the User with the partners regarding purchase of services shall be carried out by the User independently (without the Right Holder) in accordance with the rules of services of partners. The Right Holder shall not be liable for any financial and other transactions committed by the User and partners, as well as for any consequences of the acquisition of partners' services by the User
5.6. The User gives the Right Holder a consent to processing of personal information (including personal data) of the User, to transferring the User's personal data to partners of the Right Holder and the processing of personal data by partners of the Right Holder in order to provide services to the User under the Program. When using the Program, the personal information of the User will be transferred to Yandex (BIN: 1027700229193) for processing under the terms and for the purposes defined in the Privacy Policy of Yandex, available for review at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified and understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymous (without reference to the personal data of the User) statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer it to the Right Holder.
5.8. Registration and use of the Program shall be carried out using a mobile phone number of the User. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User's mobile device, the User's personal information obtained in the course of Yandex.Taxi authentication using the mobile phone number of the User in the Program and using the Program will be saved within the Service. If the Program is re-installed on the device and re-registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User information that has been provided using a provided mobile number will be restored in full.
6. Responsibility under License
6.1. The Program will be provided 'as is'. The Right Holder does not provide any warranty for the faultless and uninterrupted operation of the Program or its individual components and/or functions, compliance of the Program with specific purposes of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of data, and does not provide any other warranty not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Right Holder shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or failure to use the Program (including data) and/or damages caused to the User and/or third parties as a result of any use, non-use or inability to use the Program (including data) or its individual components and/or functions, including for possible errors or failures in their work, except as otherwise expressly provided by legislation.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use/failure to use the Program or data, as well as a possible violation of legislation and/or the rights of third parties by the Program or Data, shall be submitted through our feedback form at
6.4. This License and all the relationships associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7. Program Updates/New Versions
7.1. This License shall apply to all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install the updated / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if the upgrade / installation of a new version of the Program is not accompanied by other license agreement.
8. Amending Terms of License
8.1.This License Agreement may be amended by the Right Holder unilaterally. Notifying Users of the amendments in the terms of this License shall be published on: These amendments in the terms of the License Agreement come in force from the date of publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
Yandex.Taxi, LLC, BIN 5157746192731
Address: 16, Leo Tolstoy Street, 119021, Moscow
Published on: November 01, 2016
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